Bishop Dr. Kornél Fábry (2025/01/13)

The DFW Hungarian community welcomes His Excellency Bishop Dr. Kornél Fábry, as pastor of Hungarian Catholics living abroad.

Bishop Dr. Kornél Fábry

On November 2, the DFW Hungarians had the opportunity to participate in a memorable event when His Excellency Bishop Dr. Kornél Fábry, as pastor of Hungarian Catholics living abroad, visited us during his American tour and offered a Holy Mass in the Cistercian Abbey’s church. Afterwards, he had cordial conversations with the guests at a reception.

Over the past decades, although many high-ranking official guests have visited us, we have only been able to host outstanding ecclesiastical figures twice – in 1974, in the persons of His Excellencies Cardinal József Mindszenty and Bishop Attila Miklósházy in the early 1990’s.

That was such a long time ago that many people in our community, especially young people, had never experienced such uplifting feelings. Even the memories of the elderly have become blurred with time.

Because of the timing, Father Julius opened the holy Mass with a prayer for all our past loved ones. Bishop Fabry, in his sermon, continued the the topic of life and death. He emphasized the importance of being good people, loving and taking care of each other in our short life here in order to assure our eternal life in heaven.

The atmosphere of the Holy Mass was elevated by the choir of Saint Michael Catholic Church of Bedford which included their organist. Also, Lilla Vessey sang a solo as well as reciting the readings. Ilona Pesti invited the choir, of which she is a member, and coordinated their guest performance – she also sang and recorded video clips. Also in attendance was and Howard Enikő, our faithful volunteer organist. We are grateful for all their enthusiastic work.

Behind the scenes, there was an entire team of volunteers who helped with the reception as well as other activities. I would also like to extend my thanks to all of them.

I also express my sincere thanks to the Our lady of Dallas Cistercian Abbey, especially Father Julius, for making this meeting with the bishop possible and for participating in it so tirelessly.

The MMCC is also to be commended for covering all the event-related costs.


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