2025 Hungarian Mardi Gras Party (2025/02/23)
The MMCC Invites Everyone to the Hungarian Mardis Gras Party
February 23, 2025, Sunday (4 - 8:00 pm)
Plaza Arts Center - 1115 Fourth Ave. Carrollton, TX 75006
Dinner: Potluck -- please bring your favorite dish, salads, or desserts to share!
Drinks: Water, soft drinks, coffee – provided by MMCC
Chimney cake: Preorder only - regular $5, custom $8 with ice cream $11
Games, Singing, and a COSTUME CONTEST for children and adults
Winners of both categories will get prizes!
Master of Ceremony – Dániel Kádár
Music provided by - DJ György Toldy
Karaoke, Dance
MMCC members $12:00
Non-members $16:00
Children age 0 –14 are free
Tickets can be bought: www.magyarszo.net with PayPal or credit card.
To arrange check or cash payment: evabeluska@hotmail.com
Registration closes on: February 16 or at max. 140 guests (including children)
Looking forward to seeing you there.
If you would like to become a member of the MMCC or renew your membership, click on the link below. Thank you!
If you would like to make an additional donation to the MMCC to help us promote our activities and events, click on the link below. Thank you!
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Book review
The “Treaty” of Trianon - Crucifying Hungary is a collection of related articles published during th...